Areal modernisation 5. 3. 2012
VIDEO Slalom course is ready - mobile obstacles are instaled and the course was opened with them for the first time. photos
Areal modernisation 28.1.2012
Gate system is nearly ready as well as sound protection and platform for visitiors. photos
Areal modernisation 25. 11. 2011
We are finishing the last meters of slalom course, mobile obstacles are getting in place and also path for visitors is getting ready. photos
Areal modernisation 6.11.2011 photos from bird perspective
Areal modernisation on 6.11.2011 and photos from made on 31.10.2011. photos
Budget: 29 666 099 CZK
Realization: 12/2009 - 09/2012
Summary of outputs:
- modernized slalom course
- area for kayakpolo
- new places for safety embarkation/debarkation
- revitalization of area
- playground
- ice-rink
- path for hippo and walkers
- sound protection rampart used for sledging during winter
- synergic action on SPLAVNĚNÍ of Vltava river
- providing actual information thanks to modern technologies