SK vodní slalom České Budějovice

WAVE2013 International Slalom Race - results

WAVE2013 International Slalom Race results on

ECA Junior Cup canoe slalom series, results

ECA Junior Cup canoe slalom series  results on

Thank you! Results, photos and video

Thank you very much for coming and taking part in Wave 2012. We hope you enjoyed the festival and coming back soon. Thank you!    Results and photos

The course is in full operation - come to enjoy new course

The new slalom course is in full operation and racers have training sessions every day. The Czech olympic selection took place on the course. The actual schedule of operation is always on our website. You can enjoy photos of the new course.    Photos

First air photos of the new course

First air photos of the new course. The area will be green in a while...   Go to the photogallery

Second day of new slalom course - racers and visitors

Whitewater area of Lida Polesna is opened not only for paddlers and for visitor too. And a sunny day showed, they are comming in a large number.   photos

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Who we are

- since 1964
- more than 100 members
- around 720 medals

Sport Club of whitewater slalom kayaking Ceske Budejovice (SKVSCB) is voluntary association which ensures cultural, sport and edifying activities.
Home area is for us Whitewater area of Lida Polesna in Ceske Vrbne near Ceske Budějovice (South Bohemia region)
We are organizers of International Whitewater festival Wave and many more races including Czech Championships.
We execute project financed primarily by European funds. Thanks to the project more attractions on much higher quality will be offered to athletes, visitors and tourists.


Jižní Čechy olympijské 2016
Město České Budějovice
Jihočeský kraj
Město Hluboká nad Vltavou
Budějovický Budvar
Galileo production
EM Grafika
©SK vodní slalom České Budějovice - všechna práva vyhrazena | rss | design Jan Junek | realizace StachSW
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