SK vodní slalom České Budějovice

Areal modernisation 28.6.2011

There is no more bridge across "Kolovadlo". A new one will be build by the city of Ceske Budejovice in the future.   Photos

Areal modernisation 14.6.2011

Especially the first part of race course is under construction. Kuba Pruher visited Olzmpic slalom course in London - we are using the very same system of obstacles.   Photos from CZE and UK

Areal modernisation 4. 6. 2011

Marina will be opened in several days - first boats are parking there.   Photos

Kolovadlo has passed away...

One era has ended...   Photos

Areal modernisation 20.5.2011

Demolition is continuing.   Photos

Areal modernisation 14.5.2011


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Who we are

- since 1964
- more than 100 members
- around 720 medals

Sport Club of whitewater slalom kayaking Ceske Budejovice (SKVSCB) is voluntary association which ensures cultural, sport and edifying activities.
Home area is for us Whitewater area of Lida Polesna in Ceske Vrbne near Ceske Budějovice (South Bohemia region)
We are organizers of International Whitewater festival Wave and many more races including Czech Championships.
We execute project financed primarily by European funds. Thanks to the project more attractions on much higher quality will be offered to athletes, visitors and tourists.


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©SK vodní slalom České Budějovice - všechna práva vyhrazena | rss | design Jan Junek | realizace StachSW
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